Mission Statement
The Preferred Interpreting Agency is a newly established business backed by over (30) years of exceptional experience and valuable business relationships within the workers' compensation industry, a promising agency that evolved from my own preceding and successful career as an expert Bilingual Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor. The 2004 industry reform introduced this new incredible opportunity for me. My interpreting agency will succeed just as well because it holds within the same ethical business commitment me and my name stand for. I have gathered a network of excellence and the services are specialized to meet the high demand of the legal, medical and insurance industries needs.
Belinda Riesgo, CEO
About the Company
The Preferred Interpreting Agency is designed to provide excellent assistance with all of your Interpreting, Translating and Transcription needs. We assist in depositions, mediations, settlement conferences, trials, war room preparation for trials, evidence and document translations, audio video transcriptions, evaluations under oath, independent medical evaluations, PQME/AME in all the Certified and Registered Languages. I invite you to experience it for yourself by allowing The Preferred Interpreting Agency, Inc. to provide this valued service to your company.